Friday, December 7, 2007

My second post -- I'm moving up in the world. :) I've posted a photo of me, it's old, but it's the only one I have that I like. :)

At the moment, my life is revolving around major catastrophes -- I'm redoing my sewing room. I'm taking everything that was crammed into an 11ish x 11ish room and moving it to a 22ish x 22ish space -- formerly known as our bedroom. And it was all Pop's idea. I think he's trying to kill me. :)

The smaller room is now a quite cozy and attractive bedroom. Photos of that will follow as soon as I make one curtain and a table cover.

The larger room is still a disaster area, but I can see small patches of floor here and there and I have tossed out approximately 10 boxes. That must mean that I've surely unpacked and put away the contents? Photos of the disaster area are posted here somewhere...


Rosa Robichaud said...

Hi Bumpy!

I absolutely LOVE IT !!!!

It has to get messy before it can get better! LOL

Besides, I'm sure you'll be sorting out and throwing away and/or giving away, etc, etc.

Trust me - you'll be SEW much happier, afterwards! *grin*

Thanks for sharing! Truly enjoyed the pics and your story...

Rosa Robichaud

Jacqui's Quilts said...

Way to go Bumpy! I just finished cleaning ONE closet this morning and threw/gave away a lot. Now it's on to my sewing room :-). It looks something like your pictures right now! The fun thing is finding things you didn't remember you had!'ll soon be organized and you'll feel a real sense of accomplishment. Keep us posted.

Jacqui in Canada

AmeriDan said...

Hello Rosa and Jacqui,

I'm one of Bumpy's brothers. I like long walks in the park, sunsets, and kittens. Plus rainbows.

Wait a sec... this isn't that kind of Website... so I'll stop flirting with everyone and be nice.

Don't want Bumpy's wrath raining down upon me. You have seen what what she can do to a sewing room, I don't want her to do that to be me!

Mary Ann said...

Whoa, Bumpy!!! Looks like you need a few sewing buddies to come over and help you for an afternoon or two!! Believe me, I'd love to volunteer, but I live in Denmark!! LOL!! Good luck! You can do it!! Mary Ann

Susan said...

I think this is where I came in. If memory serves me (and it is usually out to lunch)I saw pictures similar to this from you once before when you first joined the DJ list. Or maybe that was my sewing space.

It appears that your brother has your same wonderful sense of humor.

Bumpy said...

Dear Suze, you are so right! My webshots has photos from when I cleaned my sewing room, several years ago. After that cleaning and tossing, it took a couple years to get it back into "shape" again! And it expanded so much. My fabric propigates worse than coat hangers!

And both my brothers are nuts! VBG

But I can see floor today! And I have my Wizard of Oz Barbies on their new shelf hanging on my wall. I think I'll go post that picture. I love my Barbies....

Suzanne H said...

Hi Bumpy! You're still inspiring me--course my computer knowledge would fit into a thimble so I'm not posting pictures yet. Soon...!

I love reading your comments (brother too!) -- love your sense of humor.

What part of what country do you live in? I love being a "sewing buddy" and frequently go help my friends with their organization in their sewing rooms.

Wait until you see my sewing room. Unfortunately (?) I'm one of those ... people that have to be organized or I can't function. I love making organization out of chaos!

Thanks for sharing your life with us!

Suzanne H